

Getting the source

DNADNA currently has two repositories, the public instance at, and a private repository (where its development was started) at For the time being, the public repository is a read-only mirror of the “master” branch of the private repository, and to submit merge requests to the project you will need to request access to the private repository.

The DNADNA source code can be cloned from git, with use of SSH encouraged for project members:

$ git clone


$ git clone

Conda environments

As DNADNA uses PyTorch which is a non-trivial dependency to install, the easiest way to install and do development on DNADNA is to use a Conda environment as described in the installation documentation for PyTorch itself.

To make this easy, if you already have the conda command installed locally, two environment.yml files for conda have been included in the root of the source tree:

  • environment.yml - default conda environment for dnadna; installs PyTorch with full CUDA support. This is the same as environment-cuda.yml.

  • environment-cpu.yml - conda environment for dnadna with CPU-only PyTorch installation, for use on development machines without CUDA support.

These can be used like:

$ conda env create

By default this will create a conda environment named “dnadna” with all the minimal runtime and development dependencies installed and ready for use. You can override the environment name by providing the --name <environment-name> flag to conda env create. To activate the environment, run:

$ conda activate dnadna

(or replace “dnadna” with your environment name).

This does not install the dnadna package itself. To do this, run:

$ pip install -e .

to install the package in “editable” mode for development, or without the -e to install a static copy of the package into the environment if you do not intend to edit it.

Updating to a new version

To update to the latest version of the code:

$ git checkout master
$ git pull

(or if you want to update to the latest version of a different branch, checkout that branch first instead if “master”).

Sometimes new dependencies may have been added, or some dependency versions changed, so it is also good to make sure your conda environment is up-to-date:

$ conda env update [-f <environment-cuda.yml|environment-cpu.yml>]

where they environment file only needs to be specified if not using the default environment.

Finally, sometimes it is necessary to reinstall the package as well (e.g. if the entrypoints have changed):

$ pip install -e .

Depending on what changed since you last updated, the safest process is to do all of the above:

$ git checkout master && git pull && conda env update && pip install -e .

Running the tests

This full test suite can be run like:

$ pytest -v

In this case the -v option provides verbose output; it can be omitted.

Running the tests is encouraged to do first thing after installation, to ensure all the tests are working on your setup (if not, this is either a bug in your setup or in the code, so please open an issue so that we can check).

In addition you should check that your code complies with the style recommendations made by flake8. For that, either use an editor where you can integrate flake8 (such as atom) or install flake8 from command line and run:

$ flake8 dnadna tests

All code style recommendations are just that: a recommendation. There will always be exceptions, in which case you can ask the style checker to ignore certain warnings/errors by adding a # noqa: NNN comment next to the affected line; see In-Line Ignoring Errors.

Building and editing the docs

The documentation is built using the Sphinx documentation generator, with most of the documentation pages written in the reStructuredText format. See their documentation for full details on how to work with these tools.

To build the HTML docs, starting from the root of the repository, run:

$ cd docs/
$ make html

The output can be found in the _build/html output, and can be opened in your browser once built. E.g.,

$ firefox _build/html/index.html

It is also possible to build the docs as a PDF, as long you have the necessary \(\LaTeX\) tools installed, by running make latexpdf. However, this has not been fully tested with DNADNA’s docs, so the output may not be perfect as of yet.

Sphinx/reST style guide

reStructuredText (reST) is a powerful markup language that has a little bit of a learning curve. It’s a little bit like the simpler Markdown language you may be familiar with, but predates it, and is much more extensible. For full reference on the language, see the link at the beginning of this paragraph.


Section headings in reST are written by writing the title of the heading, and underlining it with some character, technically of your choosing, with the same number of characters as the length of the title. For example:

Section Heading

For extra emphasis, you may also add an overline:

Emphasized Section Heading

Sub-section headings are simply determined by the order in which heading underline characters are used. There is not technically a prescribed order, it just depends on the order in which heading characters first appear in the document. This takes a little getting used to, but it makes sense. For example:

Section 1

If this is the first heading in the document, the the = character is
used for H1 headings.

Section 1.1

reST sees that a new heading character has been used, - instead of =, so
- becomes an H2 heading

Section 2

Now we've used = again, so reST recognizes that we've gone back up a
heading level

Sub-section 2.1

Sub-sub-section 2.1.1

As ^ has appeared for the first time in the document as a heading
underline, it becomes the H3 heading.

The only rule is that heading levels must be consistent within a single file; they do not have to be the same in every file in the documentation. However, it’s good to try to remain consistent throughout the documentation. One commonly used order is #, =, -, ^, ", ' for H1 through H6 respectively. So try to use this order consistently throughout the documentation to the extent possible.

Code blocks

To display multi-line code blocks with source code highlighting, there are a few different options. The two most common are as follows.

This simplest case is, if the previous line of text ends with a double-colon ::, that indicates that a code block follows. The code block must be indented:

Here is some example Python code::

    >>> from dnadna.utils.tensor import nanmean
    >>> nanmean([1.0, 2.0, float('nan'), 3.0]).item()

This renders as:

Here is some example Python code:

>>> from dnadna.utils.tensor import nanmean
>>> nanmean([1.0, 2.0, float('nan'), 3.0]).item()

In this case, Sphinx will attempt to guess the appropriate syntax highlighter to use. For syntactically correct Python examples this will usually work. However, if you want to specify the language explicitly, you can use the .. code-block:: <language> directive like:

Here is another Python example:

.. code-block:: python

    >>> from dnadna.snp_sample import SNPSample
    >>> sample = SNPSample([[0, 1], [1, 0]], [0.2, 0.3])
    >>> sample.to_dict()
    {'SNP': ['01', '10'], 'POS': [0.2, 0.3]}

Which renders similarly as:

>>> from dnadna.snp_sample import SNPSample
>>> sample = SNPSample([[0, 1], [1, 0]], [0.2, 0.3])
>>> sample.to_dict()
{'SNP': ['01', '10'], 'POS': [0.2, 0.3]}

The highlight language can be any language supported by Pygments.

Docstring format

Any Python class, method, or function can have a docstring by placing a Python string (typically in triple-quoted """Block""" format:

class MyClass:
    """Documentation for MyClass"""

    def my_method(self):
        """Documentation for MyClass.my_method."""

The Python language itself does not make any prescriptions for how the contents of docstrings are formatted beyond the conventions recommended by PEP 257. Many conventions exist for how the contents of docstrings should be formatted.

DNADNA follows many other scientific Python packages in using the numpydoc style for docstrings. This specifies a convention for formatting docstrings so that function and class constructor arguments, as well as attributes, are nicely formatted when rending API docs. See the numpydoc documentation for a full description of the format.

Python does not normally have a syntax for providing docstrings to module-level variables and class attributes. However, has two syntaxes for this to choose between. The first uses comments like:

#: This is documentation for the following variable.

or you can use a more docstring-like syntax by putting a string directly after the variable assignment:

"""This is documentation for the above variable."""

class MyClass:
    """The class's docstring."""

    foo = 'bar'
    """This is documentation for the above class attribute."""

We prefer the latter format, as it is more consistent with how other objects in Python are documented, although some people find it a bit jarring to put documentation for a variable below its assignment, instead of above.


Release instructions for DNADNA developers.

DNADNA uses setuptools_scm which sets the package version from the latest git tag. So creating a release is mostly a matter of tagging a new version in git. However, there are some additional steps to perform before creating a new release.

  1. Determine what the next version should be keeping in mind the basic guidelines (if not the full exact specification) of Semantic Versioning. To summarize:

    • Increment the PATCH version if releasing only bug fixes.

    • Increment the MINOR version if the release also contains new features that are backwards-compatible with the previous MINOR version.

    • Increment the MAJOR version when making backwards-incompatible changes (or sometimes for marking reasons ;)

    Also make sure to conform to PEP 440 in the version formatting.

  2. Strongly consider creating a release candidate. In this case the release version will be the same as the one you are planning to make, but with rc0 appended. E.g. 1.1.0rc0. This allows testing the entire release process end-to-end and ensuring that everything works. If, after the first release candidate, further changes are needed, you can make a second release candidate with rc1 and so on. After a successful release candidate you can make the final release just by creating a new git tag from the same commit as the last RC (see the next steps on tagging).

  3. Edit the file to ensure that the version is correct in the heading for the upcoming release, and change the string (unreleased) to the release date like (YYYY-MM-dd).

    Commit this change with the message “Preparing to release version X.Y.Z” where of course “X.Y.Z” should be replaced with the actual version.

  4. Tag the release in git by running:

    $ git tag -s X.Y.Z -m "release version X.Y.Z"

    replacing “X.Y.Z” with the actual version. Make sure to sign the tag with -s.


    Importantly if you do further changes afterwards, you NEED to commit them and re-tag the branch before building the package, e.g. with git tag -f -s  X.Y.Z, since releases to PyPI should only be made from tagged releases.

  5. Create a source tarball and wheel:


    First run pip install build twine if you don’t have the build or twine packages installed.


    $ python -m build --sdist --wheel

    And verify that the packages are up-to-spec using twine:

    $ twine check dist/*{.tar.gz,.whl}
  6. Now you can upload the source and wheel packages to PyPI using twine–you will have to provide your PyPI username and password, and have write access to the dnadna project on PyPI:

    $ twine upload dist/*{.tar.gz,.whl}
  7. Build and upload the conda package. For this you will need to have conda-build installed, as well as the Anaconda client:

    $ conda install conda-build anaconda-client


    To upload the conda package you will also need an account on with maintainer permissions to the mlgenetics organization.

    If you haven’t done so already, log in to your account:

    $ anaconda login

    Now build and upload the package using conda build:

    $ conda build --user mlgenetics -c mlgenetics -c conda-forge -c pytorch -c bioconda conda/


    Annoyingly, much like when installing a conda package that has dependencies from multiple channels, it is also necessary to specify the correct channels when running conda build. This can also be avoided by adding them to your default channels list.


    In case of failure (in particular if you have an error about placehold_placehold_placehol/bin/python: No such file or directory) you can replace {{PYTHON}} by python in conda/meta.yaml. You’ll then need to commit this change and re-tag the branch before building the package

  8. After release, bump the chanelog to the next planned release version by prepending a new sub-section to the previous release’s sub-section like:

    X.Y.Z (unreleased)
    * Nothing changed yet

    Where X.Y.Z is typically the next patch version; this can be changed later if it’s decided the next release will be a minor/major version bump. Commit this change.