Model Training

What does training do?

Training is the main step of a machine learning pipeline. The weights of the network are optimized based on a training set, while the performance is regularly evaluated on a validation set in order to monitor overfitting (i.e. the loss of generalization by a network).

Training is usually run many times to investigate different sets of hyperparameters. In the previous preprocessing step, a training configuration file is created. This file contains classical hyperparameters that users can modify, and others may be added.

The workflow is the following:

  1. Obtain the sample training config file (<model_name>_training_config.yml) after initialization and preprocessing.

  2. Modify <model_name>_training_config.yml to adapt the hyperparameters to your training data, network and optimization needs.

  3. Run the command dnadna train <model_name>_training_config.yml

    • It creates a directory run_000 containing all the output files (see below)

  4. Modify the values in the same <model_name>_training_config.yml to investigate another hyperparameterization.

  5. Run the same command dnadna train <model_name>_training_config.yml

    • It creates another directory run_001.

The idea is that the <model_name>_training_config.yml enables hyperparameter tuning for a new run, while run_{run_id}/<model_name>_final_training_config.yml contains every configuration setting required to reproduce the run_{run_id} experiment.


It is possible to specify the run identifier manually, and identifiers are not restricted to numbers, for instance:

$ dnadna train my_model_training_config --run lr0.001-BS64

This allows tracking the learning rate (lr) and batch size (BS) within the run name (note that this information is also saved in the final config file).

The format can also be specified in the training config file through the the run_name_format setting, though it is currently limited in flexibility.

How do you configure the training command?

The training configuration file inherits from the preprocessing configuration file, and is pre-filled with default hyperparameters. We will discuss here the important elements separately, although they all appear in the same training configuration file.

Loss functions for learned parameters (targets)


We need to define a loss function for each of the target parameters. The loss function can be different for each parameter, and can have a different weight in the final loss, which is a weighted sum of all losses.

If not specified explicitly, the loss function defaults to MSE for regression tasks, and to Cross Entropy for classification tasks.


Following the example of the preprocessing step, the network will predict four parameters, three via regression and one via classification. This information is inherited from the preprocessing config file, and completed with default values for:

  • loss_func: loss function, can be any of the loss function defined in PyTorch (specifically all the Loss functions in torch.nn).

  • loss_weight: relative weight for the parameter loss in the final loss.

  • tied_to_position: a boolean indicating whether the parameter to predict is tied to a position along the chromosome. If True, the loss will account for any change affecting SNP localization. For instance, if one wants to predict the position of a recombination site, and use a transformation for data augmentation that modifies positions, the loss will be computed based on the corrected target positions.

  • n_classes: The number of classes, inferred from classes, this should not be modified manually.

Corresponding section in an example training config file:

-   event_time:
        type: regression
        log_transform: true
        loss_func: MSE
        loss_weight: 1
        tied_to_position: false
-   recent_size:
        type: regression
        log_transform: true
        loss_func: MSE
        loss_weight: 1
        tied_to_position: false
-   event_size:
        type: regression
        log_transform: true
        loss_func: MSE
        loss_weight: 1
        tied_to_position: false
-   selection:
        type: classification
        classes: ['no', 'yes']
        loss_func: Cross Entropy
        loss_weight: 1

Hyperparameters controlling training

Hyperparameters usually have a huge effect on training speed and quality. They are specified through each of the following:

  • network section defining the network name and parameters

  • optimizer section defining the optimizer name and parameters

  • batch_size: number of examples in a batch

  • n_epochs: number of epochs

  • evaluation_interval: interval (number of batches processed) between two validation steps.

# number of epochs over which to repeat the training process
n_epochs: 5

# sample batch size to train on
batch_size: 10

# interval (number of batches processed) between two validation steps; for m
# evaluations per epoch, set to  n_training_samples // (batch_size * m) where
# the number of training samples can be found in training logs
evaluation_interval: 10

# name and parameters of the neural net model to train
    name: SPIDNA

    # net parameters for SPIDNA
        n_blocks: 7
        n_features: 50

# name and parameters of the optimizer to use; all built-in optimizers from the
# torch.optim package are available for use here, and you can also provide a
# custom optimizer via a plugin
    name: Adam
        learning_rate: 0.001
        weight_decay: 0
        betas: [0.9, 0.999]
        eps: 1.0e-08
        amsgrad: false

Computing resources, I/O information, misc

Technical parameters that should not impact training quality:

  • use_cuda: whether to use GPU or not

  • cuda_device: optional, which GPU(s) to use

  • loader_num_workers: number of CPUs used to load the dataset into memory; using more workers can have a moderate impact on performance up to a point, but is ultimately limited by disk I/O (assuming the data is being loaded from a physical disk and not an in-RAM filesystem)

  • seed: seed for initialization of the random number generator(s). Using the same seed is required to reproduce a training run exactly.


    When training using GPU support, even setting the random number generator seed cannot always reproduce training runs exactly, due to nondeterministic aspects of some algorithms. See PyTorch’s documentation on Reproducibility for more details.

Parameters that define filenames:

  • model_filename_format: format string for the output models, including checkpoints, the version with the best losses, and the final version

  • run_name_format: format string for the name given to this run

# format string for the filename of the final output model; it can use the
# template variables model_name, run_name, and/or run_id, while the
# required variable "checkpoint" will be replaced with names like "best",
# "last" and other intermediate checkpoints
model_filename_format: '{model_name}_{run_name}_{checkpoint}_net.pth'

# format string for the name given to this run for a sequence of runs of the
# same model; the outputs of each run are placed in subdirectories of
# <run_path>/<model_name> with the name of this run; the format string can use
# the template variables model_name and run_id
run_name_format: run_{run_id}

On-the-fly data transformation

dataset_transforms is a section of the config file that defines data transformations applied on the dataset during training, validation (and optionally future prediction). It is useful for both satisfying specific network requirements (for example if the input size is fixed) and performing data augmentation.

For instance the crop transform specifies that all SNP matrices should be cropped to maximum number of SNPs and/or maximum number of individuals while the subsample transform randomly subsamples a SNP matrix each time it is loaded. The API documentation describes currently available transforms. Custom transforms can be implemented by users with the plugin interface.

The transforms are applied in the order given in the config file. In the example configuration below, the data loader first randomly subsamples 30 (haploid) individuals for all SNP matrices and keep only columns that remained polymorphic after subsampling (keep_polymorphic_only: true); then it crops all matrices to a maximum of 400 SNPs (note that there might still be matrices with less than 400 SNPs, unless min_snp was set to 400 during preprocessing).

# list of transforms to apply to the dataset; all optional transforms are
# disabled by default unless specified here; transforms which don't take any
# parameters can be listed just by their name, whereas transforms which do take
# parameters are given as {'name': <name>, 'param1':, 'param2':, ...}, where the
# params map param names (specific to the transform) to their values
    - subsample:
          size: 30
          keep_polymorphic_only: true
    - crop:
          max_snp: 400
          max_indiv: null
          keep_polymorphic_only: true

Defining different transformations for multiple sets

Instead of defining a single transform list you can define different lists for training and validation sets, or other sets on which you’ll run dnadna predict.

Let’s suppose that your sample size is always 50 (haploid individuals). In the example below, the rows (individuals) of SNP matrices are shuffled at training (because Subsample randomly draws individuals without replacement), while no shuffling is done for validation and test sets. For the three sets, only the first 400 SNPs are kept.

  - subsample:
        size: 50
        keep_polymorphic_only: true
  - crop:
      max_snp: 400
      max_indiv: null
      keep_polymorphic_only: true

  - crop:
      max_snp: 400
      max_indiv: null
      keep_polymorphic_only: true

  - crop:
      max_snp: 400
      max_indiv: null
      keep_polymorphic_only: true

  - crop:
      max_snp: 400
      max_indiv: 50
      keep_polymorphic_only: true


If you define a transform but not others, they will be considered as none. For example if you define only the ‘test’ block, no transform will be applied to the training and validation sets!


Some networks do not accept different input size across batches/sets, keep this in mind when defining transform lists.

See predict to understand the use of transformations at the next step.

Example training config file

# the main training configuration, typically generated from an existing
# preprocessing config file

# format string for the filename of the final output model; it can use the
# template variables model_name, run_name, and/or run_id
model_filename_format: '{model_name}_{run_name}_{checkpoint}_net.pth'

# format string for the name given to this run for a sequence of runs of the
# same model; the outputs of each run are placed in subdirectories of
# <run_path>/<model_name> with the name of this run; the format string can use
# the template variables model_name and run_id
run_name_format: run_{run_id}

# name and parameters of the neural net model to train
  name: SPIDNA

  # net parameters for SPIDNA
      n_blocks: 7
      n_features: 50

# name and parameters of the optimizer to use; all built-in optimizers from the
# torch.optim package are available for use here, and you can also provide a
# custom optimizer via a plugin
    name: Adam
        learning_rate: 0.001
        weight_decay: 0
        betas: [0.9, 0.999]
        eps: 1.0e-08
        amsgrad: false

# the dataset/simulation configuration
    # path to the CSV file containing the per-scenario parameters used in this
    # simulation, either as an absolute path, or as a path relative to this
    # config file
    scenario_params_path: my_model_preprocessed_params.csv

# list of transforms to apply to the dataset; all optional transforms are
# disabled by default unless specified here; transforms which don't take any
# parameters can be listed just by their name, whereas transforms which do take
# parameters are given as {'name': <name>, 'param1':, 'param2':, ...}, where the
# params map param names (specific to the transform) to their values
- subsample:
      size: 30
      keep_polymorphic_only: true
- crop:
      max_snp: 400
      max_indiv: null
      keep_polymorphic_only: true

# number of epochs over which to repeat the training process
n_epochs: 5

# sample batch size to train on
batch_size: 20

# interval (number of batches processed) between two validation steps; for m
# evaluations per epoch, set to  n_training_samples // (batch_size * m) where
# the number of training samples can be found in training logs
evaluation_interval: 10

# seed for initializing the PRNG prior to a training run for reproducible
# results; if unspecified the PRNG chooses its default seeding method
# seed: 2

# number of subprocesses to use for data loading
loader_num_workers: 4

# use CUDA-capable GPU where available
use_cuda: true

# specifies the CUDA device index to use
cuda_device: null

# description of the parameters the network will be trained on
-   event_time:
        type: regression
        log_transform: true
        loss_func: MSE
        loss_weight: 1
        tied_to_position: false
-   recent_size:
        type: regression
        log_transform: true
        loss_func: MSE
        loss_weight: 1
        tied_to_position: false
-   event_size:
        type: regression
        log_transform: true
        loss_func: MSE
        loss_weight: 1
        tied_to_position: false

# mean of each regression parameter over the training set
    event_time: 7.350954994899923
    recent_size: 9.670931802268845
    event_size: 9.616080720072633

# standard deviation of each regression parameter over the training set
    event_time: 0.8107528444714214
    recent_size: 0.6895220957560944
    event_size: 0.6492308854609464
dnadna_version: 0.1.dev908+g71ec0f7
preprocessing_datetime: '2021-07-16T08:32:14.490685+00:00'
inherit: my_model_preprocessing_config.yml

What are the output files for the training step?

  • <model_name>_run_{run_id}_training.log: contains log of the training run

  • <model_name>_run_{run_id}_best_net.pth: network having the best validation score over the whole run

  • <model_name>_run_{run_id}_last_checkpoint_net.pth: checkpoint allowing restoration of the last recorded state of the network being trained (currently saved every validation interval)

  • <model_name>_run_{run_id}_last_epoch_net.pth: network saved at the end of the training run

  • tensorboard/: directory containing logged loss values over time, to be visualized with tensorboard

.pth objects contain the usual network definition and its optimized weights, but also information from the training config, so that they can easily be used for prediction or for restarting training from current state and with the exact same parameters (the latter option will be added in a future release).

Visualize losses

For each run losses are logged into a subdirectory named tensorboard/. Type tensorboard --logdir path-to-dir on the command line, such as:

$ tensorboard --logdir <model_name>/

to visualize all runs under <model_name>/ or:

$ tensorboard --logdir <model_name>/run_{run_id}

for a specific run, and follow the instructions printed on the terminal (i.e. open the printed link http://localhost:XXXX/ with your web browser). When working with docker and/or on a remote server you might need to use the --bind_all option.

Alternatively, in a jupyter notebook with an environment that has tensorboard installed :

%load_ext tensorboard
%tensorboard --logdir <model_name>/

This opens a TensorBoard dashboard.

The TensorBoard dashboard displays training and validation losses for all runs in the directory and has interactive options that you can use (for example set smoothing to 0 to forbid interpolation of the losses, show specific runs, zoom, get exact value by passing the mouse pointer, etc.).

Losses are also contained in plain text in the log file <model_name>_run_{run_id}_training.log.

Command line

Once the hyperparameters and other parameters are set, we can start training the network by simply running:

dnadna train <model_name>_training_config.yml

If you want to relaunch a previous run with the exact same hyperparameters, you can directly pass its final config as an argument:

dnadna train <model_name>/run_{run_id}/<model_name>_run_{run_id}_final_config.yml

This will create a new run directory, i.e it will not overwrite run_{run_id}/.

If one of your previous run had good/poor performance and you would like to investigate small changes in hyperparameters, we suggest to copy its final config to <model_name>/ and then edit the desired properties:

cp <model_name>/run_{run_id}/<model_name>_run_{run_id}_final_config.yml <model_name>/<model_name>_training_config.yml
# Now edit <model_name>/<model_name>_training_config.yml with your favorite text editor
#    for instance change the learning rate, etc.
dnadna train <model_name>/<model_name>_training_config.yml

This will create a new run directory, i.e it will not overwrite run_{run_id}/. Note that you are allowed to pick another name than <model_name>_training_config.yml.


Warning: if the training config is identical between two runs and has the seed property set, you will get the exact same result. For adding randomness and e.g. testing the stability of a network you have to remove (or comment) the seed property. In this case PRNG chooses its default seeding method.

More details can be found in the Quickstart Tutorial.

Next step

After a successful training run you can:

  • Train other networks or the same network with different hyperparameters

  • Use the trained network to predict evolutionary parameters for simulated or real datasets.